The legacy of recently deceased Roger McCarthy is well-known in Whistler, from his early days in ski patrol to his career as world-renowned snowsport industry executive. The former Whistler councillor was also one of three founding members of the Whistler Lakes Conservation Foundation (WLCF), and they’ve decided to name a scholarship in his honour.
One Whistler Secondary School student will earn a $1,000 scholarship on behalf of WLCF upon graduation this year.
Board chair Tom English said without the work of McCarthy, the important water testing in Whistler's five lakes wouldn’t be done today.
“Without founding members, you can’t do anything,” English said. “It’s expanded since then, with our membership testing Whistler’s five lakes weekly, and turning those results over to the BC Lakes Stewardship Society and the Ministry of the Environment. To date, our lakes are in good shape.”
A student with marks in equally good shape, and who chooses to pursue a science-based post-secondary education, would qualify for the memorial scholarship.
The scholarship from WLCF was previously set at $500 and not named in honour of McCarthy, according to English. WLCF increased the amount to ensure students have meaningful financial support.
WLCF has no say in who earns the scholarship, with English saying that’s left up to staff at Whistler Secondary School.
“They have a graduation ceremony at the at Whistler Secondary School, and we presented one last year. There's a quite a large number of the students receive various scholarships,” he said.
While encouraging studying sciences is in-line with the objectives of the foundation, it’s also beneficial to society.
“The more people that are interested in the environment and are qualified to do anything about it is going to just benefit everybody,” English said.