Subdividing lots getting tougher The subdivision of large single family lots may be more difficult under a policy adopted by council Monday. Approximately 15 large single family lots have been subdivided in the last five years, a practice which has eaten up bed units and boosted the density in some subdivisions. A single-family lot is considered six bed units. By subdividing one lot into two the bed unit count doubles to 12. Municipal staff identified 109 lots (as of Jan. 1, 1994) which are large enough to be subdivided. If subdivisions were approved for all 109 lots that could mean an additional 654 bed units. There are approximately 32,000 developed bed units in Whistler, 61 per cent of the total of 52,900 permitted under the current Official Community Plan. Of the 109 lots identified by municipal staff, 72 would require council approval to relax minimum frontage requirements (normally 18 metres). Of the 37 lots which would not require relaxation of frontage requirements, 15 are in Emerald Estates and one is on Alta Lake Road, areas which are not on the municipal sewer system. Council is not considering any further subdivisions in these areas until they are serviced by the sewer system. That leaves 21 lots which would require authorization from an approving officer for subdivision, but not from council. About half of those lots have topography which would make subdivision impossible. On Monday, council adopted a policy of "strictly enforcing normal frontage and setback requirements expect in special circumstances or when the overall community benefit will be realized by the subdivision." The issue of subdividing lots and the subsequent impact on the bed unit inventory has been a concern of planning staff.