The Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks is not developing a condominium project in Nordic Estates, as reported two weeks ago. Don van der Horst said last week the ministry has a tentative deal with Bosa Brothers for the property on Whistler Road, between Nordic Drive and Wolverine Crescent. The ministry initiated a rezoning application in 1992. The application, which was approved two weeks ago, allows for 44 townhouse units on the site. In return for the zoning the ministry has indicated it will hand over Lot 72 in Nordic for municipal park land. Lot 72 is an undevelopable area immediately north of Rim Rock. A creek runs through the property. van der Horst said the ministry is not in the development business, but will sell land with zoning. Whistler writer Tina Nowaczewski gave birth to the corridor's first baby of 1995, a little girl. Savara, named after Nowaczewski's great aunt, was born at approximately 9:30 a.m. Jan. 2 in Squamish General Hospital. Mom and pop, Patrice Binette, checked into the Whistler Health Care Centre about 6:30 a.m. and were told they should be able to get to Lions Gate Hospital in time. They pulled in to Squamish about 8:10 a.m. when Savara decided she couldn't wait for the big city. School district names assistant superintendent The Howe Sound School District has named Judith Knapp as Assistant Superintendent effective Jan. 30, 1995. Doug Courtice, superintendent of schools, made the announcement this week. Knapp has been the District Integration Facilitator for SD 89 (Shuswap) and was the Director of Curriculum and Instruction for SD 87 (Stikine) prior to that. She also served as a Regional Teacher Consultant for the Northwest Territories Department of Education. Big public hearing Monday on freestyle land swap thingy