In January 2021, during the height of the lockdowns, everyone was locked down except for people who were critical to society. I was in Bruderheim, Alta., inspecting our company’s newest acquisition. A producing oilfield. It was a sunny day, and the temperature was about -40 C with wind chill. While inspecting the tanks, suddenly, an audible alarm sounded on my jacket. SO2 alert.
I joked to Jamie, our COO, “really?”
His response was terse. “Run this way with me mother****er or you will die.”
Not a joke. I ran.
Hundreds of people die yearly supplying the product that heats homes, cooks food and fuels the school buses for our children. Oil and gas workers work their asses off to make better lives for their families and for all of us.
Green Party MLA Jeremy Valeriote recently said the following about an additional fuel tax in the Sea to Sky: “I think the only people that will suffer in this are the oil and gas companies that have made excess profits from the Sea to Sky for years.” People die for his ability to fly to Victoria and all he sees is a soundbite.
A fuel tax will drive up costs of everything in the Sea to Sky because everything comes to us via trucks. Baby formula. Lettuce. Toilet paper. Beer. Then the obvious: Heating. Restaurant meals. Driving to work or school. Grooming operations. The Resort Municipality of Whistler’s fleet of vehicles.
The Green Party has never been good at math but sure excels at pointing fingers.
Valeriote and the Greens are on the wrong side of history given the American threats on our sovereignty. Canadians are sensibly recognizing that we must develop our resources to become a stronger nation that is self-reliant. Our nation was built on resources, and we now have the technology to develop them sustainably.
Please join me in supporting Canadian sovereignty and build a strong, independent country again.
Let’s do this!