I am a volunteer Mountain Host and helped out at the Invictus Games alpine skiing and snowboarding events on Feb.11. Since those events were for novices (fewer than seven days experience) the short course was on a gentle slope with only about five gates.
I saw a few competitors come down the course. At one point, the next competitor’s name was announced. About a minute later the announcer said this competitor would not participate. After a couple of other people had descended, the announcer said the competitor would participate after all. The person obviously struggled and fell twice on the course. The competitor persevered and completed the course to the loud cheering of the spectators.
I’m sure many spectators were asking themselves the same question as I: what did it take for this person to participate and complete the course? The memory of that person’s run will be with me for a long time. I think this competitor’s participation said everything there is to say about the Invictus Games.