I’ve noticed that Mr. Smyth is a frequent contributor to Pique’s letters to the editor. I’ve found him sometimes interesting and other times more opaque, but always working an agenda. That’s fair, but he should quote his sources in his March 7 letter, rather than say, “It was recently reported that grocery expenses for Prime Minister…” and go on to criticize the former PM for his alleged grocery costs.
Aside from being petty, his use of the unidentified source to compare the PM’s grocery bill to the needs of the clients of the Whistler Community Services Society is disingenuous at best. Is Mr. Smyth so naive as to believe that the PM’s bill is for his family only? It’s probable that the budgeted amount must also feed a staff of domestic support, secret service, and maintenance workers of Canada’s property at Sussex Drive, as it would for any PM occupant, including Mr. Smyth’s choice of PM.
Come on Pique, you should see these shills for what they are, other readers do. Or should the letters section just be turned over to political stump speeches?