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Letter: Bravo to Whistler’s Flag Stop organizers

'Great job keeping the arts in the forefront.'
Original theatre, live music and comedy returned to the Flag Stop Theatre & Arts Festival’s scenic floating stage on Friday, Aug. 11 and Saturday, Aug. 12 at The Point Artist-Run Centre.

I would like to applaud and bring recognition to Stephen Vogler and the folks behind and in front of the Point Artist-Run Centre.

There are too many heroes involved to mention some and miss others.

We had an enjoyable, rainy-evening experience in Florence Petersen Park on Aug. 8—a great reminder of what a gem this is for our village.

DJ Ace of course set the mood. The stage acts were great, the magician was simply magical, and the contribution from Dustin Bentall and family closed the evening beautifully.

Great job keeping the arts in the forefront.

Rick Clare // Whistler