I love coming to Whistler; the mountains, the snow, the fresh air, the people and all the outdoor adventures.
However, having just left this morning for my home in Kelowna (another town who thrives on hospitality) and pondering my time over the last week in Whistler, I am left appalled at the seeming disrespect of dog owners.
While enjoying a festive spring afternoon in the Bayly Park area in Cheakamus, I was disgusted by four dogs wandering freely about amongst toddlers and children. I witnessed one dog with no watchful owner, I might add, do his fecal business on a lovely patch of green grass.
I promptly and politely sought out the owner. There is signage which appears to be ignored as none of the four dogs were leashed.
I am sorry that the Resort Municipality of Whistler does not seem to fine these dog owners as this behaviour besmirches your reputation for those of us who come to visit and support your economy.
Respectfully submitted,