This year was my fourth for watching Soul Funktion Dance Studio's year-end production. Every year I say 'that was the best yet', and then they go and outdo themselves the following year! Even though like many other 'dancer parents' I am privileged to help somewhat behind the scenes, I still shake my head in amazement at how this little studio, so small compared to studios in larger communities, can produce a sold-out show that is of professional standard, is entertaining and entrancing, colourful, funny and heart-warming all at the same time.
As for the quality of the dance.....! I have attended other dance recitals from other studios and they simply cannot compare, not even close, to the Soul Funktion show.
It is my hope that more and more Whistler residents, both full and part-time, are becoming increasingly aware of this wonderful gem in our community. Living in our own little 'Whistler world' I think we often do not realize the quality of what we have until we see for ourselves what is out there in the bigger world. There is too much of a tendency to say "if it's in the city it must be better".
This was brought home to me in connection with Soul Funktion when I heard some news this week of one of the Soul Funktion 'Metamorphosis' performance troupe dancers who is currently attending a summer dance camp in Los Angeles, at that city's most prestigious dance school. This dancer was immediately noticed and singled out during the introductory sessions at the camp, for the superior quality of her dancing and technical ability, and she was placed in a class with dancers far older and more experienced than herself. The instructors were intrigued to know where she had received her training, and I can only imagine their surprise when they learned that all her training has been at a small studio in... Whistler?... Where's that?
This is an even greater compliment to Soul Funktion when you learn that this dancer is not even one of the senior, more experienced members of the troupe!
I found this news uplifting and exciting. How wonderful and reassuring to learn that right here in our small community, we do indeed have something that can hold its own with the very best!
I would like to thank Soul Funktion's director, Codi Dalen, Heather Stremlaw the Metamorphosis Artistic director and choreographer, and all the studio teachers for all they do for the dancers of Whistler. Also the numerous parents and friends of Soul Funktion and the Metamorphosis troupe who help and contribute tirelessly every year, in so many ways, so that all can enjoy the annual treat that is the Soul Funktion show.
As president of the studio's fundraising arm I extend thanks also to all the businesses and individuals who contributed to our fundraising efforts this year; every penny made will be put to good use helping the studio expand and improve.
We are all part of a great team that I hope makes all of Whistler proud.
Linda McGaw
Get it right next year
The Canada Day parade was a shadow of its former self! Banning motorized vehicles was, in my opinion, a huge mistake. Besides that, someone (VANOC) had a RMOW vehicle that sure looks like it has a motor, but I guess that is OK because it's VANOC.
I missed the fire truck and the Longhorn musical float, among other things. This parade was "Sustainability" out of control. Glenn Bayliss has it right, "what ever happened to everything in moderation? Get it right next year Whistler!
Ross Harlow
Ride on
Thank you very much for the Pique Pedal Parade and taking the time to organize such a big event. Thank you for all the prizes.
I’m really glad there is the Pedal Parade and if it weren’t for Kathy it would have never started.
And I hope next year there will be more unicyclists! Marc Facundo
Goodbye trees, daycare… sk8 park
It's been almost two years since the boys and I chose to leave the Fraser Valley and carve out a life for ourselves in this beautiful community. The first big challenge was the wait for a full time spot in daycare. Then with the first spring I realized that there was no place to grow a vegetable garden in the town home we live in and I couldn't compost, as we share this valley with the bears.
Since then, we are growing vegetables in the organic greenhouse at Myrtle Philip (thank you Kari at Whistler Community Services) and I have found a solution to our organic waste.
As with any community there are issues and Whistler is no exception. Like many, I'm shocked and saddened at the void in the MarketPlace Playground. Like many, I'm still waiting for an answer to the Teddy Bear situation. My three year old and I shed some tears when the trees came down and our fear of the future of his Daycare is sadly comparable.
However, the reason I've finally written is in regards to the proposed closure of the Creekside Underground Skateboard Facility. Skateboarding and snowboarding was a factor in our decision to move here as it coincided with the closure of RDS, the only other good facility in Vancouver and the Fraser Valley where you can sk8 the other eight months of the year.
Today we're collecting four groms (little sk8ers) from Calgary at the outdoor skatepark and taking them for their first shred in the mini bowl down at Creekside. We're all exited. My little one learned to ride a bike, a scooter, a two wheeler (with training wheels) and now a skateboard down there.
Families come from Squamish and Pemberton on a regular basis all year round to ride some sort of wheels and last January my oldest had his ninth birthday party down there with most of his class!
Gromfest is a contest for little rippers and the Creekside portion of their annual travelling comp will be sorely missed by people of all ages. I just don't see how anyone could put anything in that fabulous little sk8 spot that could be as useful and enjoyed by so many people of all ages. You could probably park an extra four cars in there during the Olympics and why is it being taken from us this fall? It's not going to take us two years to remove the mini ramp and bowl. There is a lot more to that spot than the few disrespectful sk8ers that seem to be the cause for such concern.
Please, I beg of the powers that be in this community, reconsider or help us rebuild something similar.
Karen Goldsmith
Will council support regulations?
This letter was addressed to mayor and council. A copy was forwarded to Pique.
The Association of Whistler Area Residents for the Environment have been watching the developments around the industrial rezoning application, and wish to make a comment about the Mons Rezoning currently up for third reading.
As you know the land in question is adjacent to the Hydro Lands that house a red-listed wooded wetland, and that the proponents have put forward a package that requires the road access for the Mons land to go through the B.C. Hydro property just above the wetland in question. AWARE is concerned that the integrity of this already pressured wetland would be threatened further by the additional road. If this application goes through as drafted the wetland will be completely surrounded by development, with the hydro substation, the muni works yard, the highway, the new industrial zone, and the heavily used access road to this area all around it.
If a new industrial site is needed, AWARE asks you to choose land that is the least environmentally sensitive. As the MoE requires setbacks of 30 metres near fish bearing streams, etc., and PAN recommends the same, we look forward to council's support of these updated regulations when making its plans and advocating with all parties involved for the best possible outcomes.
Sara Jennings,
AWARE President
Thanks for the ride
Thank you Whistler! Since September 2001, I have had the very good fortune and privilege of living my dream and running the Whistler Mountain Ski Club as Program Director. Along the way I have been supported by the kids that train and race here, the coaches that are my peers, the families that pay the bills, the volunteers that do the work and the community that sustains our vision. In the past seven years we have grown and changed but have always worked diligently to help bring up the best athletes, students and kids to reach their goals. Sometimes the club is very successful and sometimes we suffer through change but never have we given up the challenge to do better. Hope you will all continue to support WMSC.
As I leave the club but remain in Whistler, I wish to thank everyone sincerely for the great ride and the relationships that we have built here.
Nigel Cooper
The door is always open…
Boy, was it hot this holiday weekend. Nice to cool off inside some of the stores and restaurants.
But wait! What's this? Half of the village establishments have their doors wide open with some serious cool air flying out those open doors. Do you think smart consumers will be made to "feel welcome" as your staff told us, with your doors wide open?
Sorry, we smart consumers are savvy enough to know that you will pass along those wicked A/C bills to us in the form of higher prices. Don't moan when your rent goes sky-high if you think this kind of thinking doesn't affect village lease owners also.
Shame on both the small & large businesses for forcing their staff to adopt this policy. No green awards for you. Does RMOW have to once again create a bylaw to enforce what should be common sense?
We encourage everyone who cares about the prices in Whistler and cutting out senseless waste of power to ask these stores to get with the current reality and shut your doors. Then we'll come visit!
K. Smith