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Letter: Where did the Canadian government go wrong?

'What policies, what omissions got us from an excellent starting base then to where we find ourselves now?'

Re: “Money for something” in the June 21 edition of Pique:

Good points, but the author unfortunately discusses only only one source for solving the problems facing us: Government. There is another source, the one that actually built Canada: Private entrepreneurship, the one which generates the wealth, jobs and correspondingly the taxes to fund the civil service and government programs Mr. Mitchell mentions.

When I came as a 23-year-old to Canada in 1967, the country had a population of 22 million, its infrastructure was second to none in every respect, immigration was percentage-wise similar to what it is today, housing was affordable, and there was no shortage of it like now.

Admittedly, Canada was demographically a lot younger then, but as the article states, the “time bomb” of the nation’s aging started ticking some 60 years ago, suggesting it was foreseeable.

So, what happened? What policies, what omissions got us from an excellent starting base then to where we find ourselves now?

Wolfgang Wittenburg // Squamish