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Whistler Blackcomb weekly ops update: June 9

Here's what's happening on the mountain this week
The view from Whistler Village at about 11 a.m. on Friday, June 9.

Here is Whistler Blackcomb's weekly operations update for Thursday, June 8.

Residents and guests to the resort take note: all info in this report is subject to change, per Whistler Blackcomb. Follow @WBmtnops on Twitter for all the latest WB operations news, or text WBLIFT to 686677 for text updates.

The Whistler Mountain Bike Park is open 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily (upload via Whistler Village Gondola). The Creekside and Garbanzo Zones will open June 10, as will sightseeing via Whistler Village Gondola. From June 10, sightseeing will upload exclusively via Blackcomb Gondola in the Upper Village, with the option to download Whistler Village Gondola. Guests should also take note that the opening of the Peak 2 Peak may be delayed this year due to maintenance issues.

Current open bike trails (as of June 1)

 Skills & Parks: Gatorade Skill Park, Intermediate Skills Center, Joyride Jump Park.

• Green: Del Bocca Vista, EZ Does It, Pines of Mar Gables, Rod, Todd, Shady Acres, Golden Triangle.

• Blue: Angry Pirate Lower, B-Line Lower, Crank It Up, Devil's Club, Heart of Darkness, Hornet, Karate Monkey, Longhorn, Samurai Pizza Cat, Smoke and Mirrors, Wednesday Night Delight, World Cup Single Track, Fantastic, Out of Sight.

• Black: Afternoon Delight, A-Line, Angry Pirate Upper, Cat's Meow, Monkey Hands, Whistler Downhill Lower.

 Double Black: Detroit Rock City, Clown Shoes, Fade to Black, POLP Fiction, Tatiana, Tech Noir, French Connection, Whistler Downhill Upper.

• Pro Line: Dwayne Johnson, Dirt Merchant Lower

Rolling construction closures are possible, and all trails are subject to temporary maintenance closures. 

Open hiking trails as of June 10

 • Ascent trail: Little Burn and Big Burn (Heart Burn closed)

• Blackcomb Alpine: Alpine Loop

• Whistler Alpine: Spearhead Loop and Pika's Traverse Road Snow Walls (no access if P2P is delayed).


• Creekside Zone and Garbanzo Zone open June 10

• Whistler Farmers' Market June 11 

• Phat Wednesday June 14 

• Phat Kidz June 16


• The Patrol emergency number is 1-604-935-5555

• Whistler Blackcomb is a smoke-free environment. Please be aware of the current fire hazard rating.

• All uphill travel is prohibited on Whistler Blackcomb Mountains. Backcountry access is possible via Singing Pass Trail or Blackcomb Mountain South Route.

• Dogs are not permitted on Whistler Blackcomb property. Only exceptions are for guide and service dogs that are certified, leashed and under control.