Prepare your best pitches—applications and nominations are now open for TEDxWhistler.
Whistlerites and B.C. residents are invited to share “ideas worth spreading” related to the theme of legacy.
“We welcome a wide diversity of ideas, opinions, and perspectives,” said Anoop Virk, executive producer of TEDxWhistler, in a release.
“As long as you have an awesome idea related to our Legacy theme (and are a resident of British Columbia, Canada), we’d love to hear from you!”
Find more info and submit your application at
The TEDxWhistler event will be held virtually this fall (though outdoor viewing parties could be possible depending on which way COVID-19 cases are trending).
While the TED Talks brand is a global phenomenon often covering broad and expansive topics, the TEDx offshoots are grassroots in nature, bringing the TED philosophy of “ideas worth spreading” to the local level.