The Whistler Skating Clubs carnival follows a safari through Africa theme, from Egypt to South Africa. Gary Beacon, a former Canadian senior mens national competitor, is scheduled to be the guest skater. Tickets for the May 5 show are available at Meadow Park Sports Arena.WHISTLER VALLEY TENNIS CLUB GRAND OPENING.
Noon to 4 p.m. on May 5 and 6 the Whistler Valley Tennis Club is welcoming new and returning members at the club beside Hozs Pub, overlooking Nita Lake. For information contact Michele Bush at 938-1495.PEMBERTON WOMENS INSTITUTE SPRING SALE.
Garden plants, home baking, seed potatoes and a white elephant are all for sale Saturday, May 5, 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Pemberton Legion.DINNER, AUCTION AND LIVE ENTERTAINMENT.
The Pemberton and District Museum and Archives Society is holding a fund-raising dinner and auction Saturday, May 5, 6 p.m. at the Pemberton Legion. Call 894-6682 for information.YUMMY IN MY TUMMY.
Join Childrens Librarian Linda Neumann for a morning of stories, songs, rhymes and a craft that will whet your appetite, Sunday, May 6 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Ages 3-6. Call the Whistler Public Library at 932-5564 to pre-register.WHISTLER INTERNATIONAL WINE FESTIVAL.
The annual festival, now in its 11 th year, is a fund-raising event for the Whistler Public Library. Wines presented by International Cellars Inc., with the support of the Consulates of Spain, the United States, Chile and France. Tuesday, May 8, 7-9 p.m. at the Chateau Whistler. Tickets are $25, available at the library, the conference centre and at the door.MOTHERS DAY PANCAKE BREAKFAST.
The Whistler Lions Club is presenting its annual Mothers Day breakfast Sunday, May 13, from 9 a.m. to noon at the IGA in Marketplace. All proceeds will go to Camp Squamish.GIANT GARAGE SALE.
Saturday, May 12, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at Myrtle Philip school. A fund-raiser for the Parent Advisory Council. Tables are $30. Contact Sana March at 932-2016 or Karen Williamson at 932-1181.CHIC SCOTT SLIDE SHOW.
The local chapter of the Alpine Club of Canada and the Whistler Guides Bureau are presenting Chic Scott, who recently published Pushing the Limits The Story of Canadian Mountaineering. May 12, 7:30 p.m. at the Coast Hotel. Tickets are $5, available from Escape Route and at the door.THE ART OF THE HUICHOL INDIANS.
The Whistler Public Library is hosting a video presentation by Isabel Jordan at the Myrtle Philip Community Centre May 15, 7:30 p.m. A display of art work by the Huichol Indians of Mexico will also be available. The Huichol are highly creative people and reflect their strong ceremonial traditions and rich mythology in the visionary artwork called yarn painting. Admission by donation. Call 932-5564 for information.GERANIUM AND SPRING FLOWER SALE.
The 10 th annual fund-raiser for the Whistler Childrens Centre takes place May 18 and 19 at the Whistler Childrens Centre. Cedar hanging baskets will also be on sale. Order forms available at of April 27. Call 932-1119 for information.MEETINGS/WORKSHOPS
Hear the candidates for MLA in West Vancouver-Garibaldi at the Whistler all-candidates meeting Saturday, May 5, from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Delta Whistler Resort. The meeting is organized by the Whistler Chamber of Commerce. Rick Clare will be moderator.GRACE CHRISTIAN MONTESSORI.
Open house and information night May 8, 7:30 p.m. at Our Lady of the Mountains Catholic Church on Lorimer Road. Mrs. Lima will discuss Montessori education, specific methods and explain programs for the coming school year.THE SOCIALIZATION OF BOYS.
The Brackendale Elementary PAC is hosting a BCTF presentation for parents and teachers entitled The Socialization of Boys. Guest speaker Troy Marshall is the vice president of the Chilliwack Teachers Association. The meeting is Thursday, May 10 at 7 p.m. at the Brackendale Elementary School. Call 898-5752 for information.WALDORF SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE.
Curious about Waldorf Education? An open house will be held on Saturday, May 12 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 5516 Old Mill Lane, off Alta Lake Road. Call Deanna at 932-6469 or Laurie at 938-6221 for information.SCREENING MAMOGRAPHY.
Coming to Whistler May 30, 31 and June 1; to Squamish May 7-11 and May 14-18; and to Pemberton May 28, 29. Call 1-800-663-9203 to book an appointment.WRITERS GROUP.
How would you like to get together with other writers of fiction to share our work, provide each other with support and feedback and brainstorm ways to get out work published. Interested? If so, please call Stella at 932-4518 for more information.RUGBY-RUGBY-RUGBY
. The Hoary Marmots Rugby Football Club is training every Tuesday and Thursday at 7 p.m. at the Whistler high school. All levels are welcome girls too. Train for tournaments and matches or just come along for some fun. Call Donny @ Tapleys Pub, 932-4011 or e-mail [email protected] for information.ULTIMATE FRISBEE CLINICS
. Every Wednesday at Myrtle Philip schools lower fields there will be pick up games and, for those who have never played, free skills clinics. Warm up at 6:30 p.m. an bring cleats. Contact 938-4974.HELPING HANDS
The Whistler Childrens Art Festival on May 26-27 at the Myrtle Philip Community Centre is looking for volunteers who love to work with children, have an art background, or would simply like to help. There will be workshops for kids on dance, theatre, reading, writing and sculpting, among others. Anyone volunteering a minimum of four hours at this years festival will be invited to pre-register their children for the 2002 festival. Help make this community event a success. Contact the Arts Council at 938-0498.STEELHEAD SOCIETY OF B.C.
Requires volunteers for habitat restoration project at 36 Mile Creek on Sunday, May 6. Contact John at 604-684-6242, ext. 109.INTRODUCTION TO NORTHWEST COAST NATIVE ART.
An informative lecture enhancing understanding of the art and culture of the Northwest Coast First People. Approximately 30 minutes long, Mondays at 2 p.m. and Thursdays at 8 p.m., Black Tusk Gallery on Main Street, 905-5540. All are welcome.AT THE MOVIES
Morgan Freeman stars. At the Rainbow Theatre May 4-10, 9:15 p.m.ON THE MOUNTAINS
Winter operations are now over. The Horstman Glacier opens for summer skiing/riding on June 11.WHISTLER.
Nike Snowboard Series halfpipe May 5, slopestyle May 6.WHISTLER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
TRAINING SOLUTIONS.Mediation, May 8-10 $295
Level I First Aid, May 11 $100
Priority Manager, May 14 $595+GST
Understand WHMIS at your own pace. Books now available, $150+GST.
Further information is located on our Web site at www.whistlerchamberof commerce.com or contact Stephanie Wells at 932-5922.
Job Search Workshops
As important as your resume is, the cover letter is even more so. Come and join us at the Pemberton Employment Centre to find out how to prepare an effective cover letter and other important correspondence. For more information or to sigh up, call 894-6281. Limited spaces available. Workshops are free and are offered on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, from 10 a.m. to noon. The next workshop, Cover Letter and other Correspondence, is being offered May 8, 2001.