Internationally acclaimed entertainer Norman Foote will be on stage at the Macdonald Ballroom at the Chateau Whistler at 7 p.m. April 5.
Foote is known for his clever songs, catchy melodies and offbeat props.
Foote returns to the mountain community with his latest show, Large, Live and Interactive, a fund-raiser for the music program at Myrtle Philip Elementary. The children, under the direction of Whistler music teacher Sadie Culliford, will be well rehearsed. But neither the young singers nor the audience can be fully prepared for some of the impromptu shenanigans Foote promises to throw their way.
"I call the show Live, Large and Interactive because for sure it’s live music and comedy, it has a very large group of highly motivated kids, and it is extremely interactive," said Foote, who always tailors his shows for adults as well as kids.