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James Linklater

Pemberton candidate profile

Hockey Card:

Occupations? Coordinator - Food Safety & Workplace Safety- Whistler Blackcomb, Chef, trainer, community volunteer.

Furthest place you travelled to and why: New Zealand for a working holiday.

Describe yourself using five words or less. Nice guys can finish first.

What is one thing people would be surprised to learn about you? I've travelled around the world, west from Vancouver to New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Germany and back home across Canada.

Profile Questions:

What do you see as the top election issues? Business retention and attraction; recreation for youth to seniors; responsible development; community engagement (partnerships - corridor-wide, government, local, business, First Nations, agriculture and volunteer/service groups).

How would you address the housing developments now facing the Village? We need to hold them to task, ensure they align and adhere to the OCP and commit to working with the community, for example, using local trades. The developers are undertaking the risk and financing. Certainly keeping lines of communication open so all can understand hurdles, timelines and realization of projects. We have a great working document in the Official Community Plan, we need to trust the process and work the plan.

What do you think is the Village of Pemberton's role in boosting economic activity? To create an environment that is conducive to retaining and attracting business to Pemberton; capitalizing on our existing assets; downtown revitalization, which will draw locals, visitors, business and development into the Village core.

What would you do to enhance the environment for business? Support the Chamber of Commerce, Tourism Pemberton, the business community and residents to form a resource/committee that will create a strategy that is inclusive, innovative, supportive and with a vision to the future.

Give an example of a difficult situation you have overcome. I was affected by corporate restructuring. I decided to embrace the opportunity vs. the alternative and came back refocused. I was in a position that allowed me to create the role (I was in and therefore it had more impact and I was more) influential and (it) has had me use and develop skills that have resulted in a better and safer environment for me, my coworkers and guests.

Where can people go to get your election platform? E-mail me at [email protected], with any questions.