The 3.8 km/2.4 mile swim will be two loops of a rectangular course on Alta Lake. There will be no vehicle access to Rainbow Park and shuttle buses will be available for athletes only. Walk or ride your bike along the Valley Trail to witness the swim live, or watch the live video feed on the screens at Olympic Plaza. Pro Men and Women start at 6:50 and 6:55 a.m., respectively with age groups starting at 7 a.m.
The bike course runs southbound on Highway 99, turning off towards Whistler Olympic Park before returning to the highway and heading north to Pemberton. The course then runs out and back along the Pemberton Meadows Road before returning to Whistler on the highway — cyclists will pass by the village three times. The best place to be a spectator in Whistler is in front of the Aava Hotel.
The first bike pro is expected to be on course at 7:40 a.m.
For Pemberton residents, the best place to celebrate and cheer on the riders is at the corner of Highway 99 and Portage Road where the Tourism Pemberton Cheerfest will be set up with entertainment and activities.
The run course is two laps of a loop passing Lost Lake and Green Lake with the finish line on Blackcomb Way adjacent to the transition area in Lot 4. The first pro runner is expected to be on course at 12:15 p.m. and you can view racers anywhere along the Valley Trail course. The final finishers will be crossing the finish line at midnight.