BC NDP leader John Horgan and BC Liberal leader Andrew Wilkinson both announced their Seniors plan on Sunday.
From Courtenay-Comox, in front of a homecare facility under construction, Horgan said his government would publically fund homecare to an extent it had never been before, promising more care hours and more care workers. Horgan did not put a specific number on the homecare investment and said it would be announced in the platform later this week.
From North Vancouver, BC Liberal Leader announced a $7,000 tax credit for seniors that could be used to recover 35% of up to $20,000 in spending on home support services, housekeeping and handyman services. Wilkinson addressed cost concerns by saying it would be far more expensive to have these people in institutional care. In response to media questions Horgan said that his plan would not include a tax credit.
Wilkinson also announced the BC Liberals plan to invest $1 billion dollars over the next five years to fast track construction for long term care facilities across the province.
This article was originally published by Business in Vancouver.